It's a perfect day to remember Jobs
Posted on October 06 2011
As I write this post, I am filled with emotion. I am still having such a hard time accepting the news from yesterday of Steve's death. Despite how weak he looked in recent months on stage, I was hoping somehow he would make it another decade and give the world many more innovations. I am sure the legacy he has created at Apple will carry his spirit forward, but one thing that cannot be replaced is Steve himself. My heart goes out to his wife and kids in this moment of their grief.
The grief seems to be worldwide. This reminds me of the day Princess Diana passed away and the outpouring of grief worldwide.
This brand "it's a perfect day" is entirely created on a Mac. The designs, the website, the photographs on this website, the communications we have with our suppliers and customers all happen from Apple products. The way we package our products is inspired by Apple's products. To every designer and entrepreneur, Jobs is a true inspiration. He is the bar I hold myself to and hope every product we create here is, well....obsessively perfect, just as Steve would with his Apple products!
Founder, It's A Perfect Day ®
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